October 9, 2014 www.ipbtax.com

J. Brian Davis SPOKE on the Administration's Response to Inversions (Notice 2014-52)


On October 8, 2014, Brian Davis joined Samuel C. Thompson, Jr., Brenda Zent and Daniel McCall in a webinar discussion focused on technical matters associated with the US Treasury Department’s response to inversion transactions – Notice 2014-52.  Professor Thompson is on faculty at the Penn State University’s Dickinson School of Law, Ms. Zent is a Taxation Specialist in the US Treasury Department’s Office of International Tax Counsel and Mr. McCall is Special Counsel (International) in the IRS Chief Counsel’s Office.  The program was sponsored by the Penn State Law School’s Center for the Study of Mergers and Acquisitions.

Salient aspects of the webinar discussion can be found in today's edition of Tax Notes Today and the Daily Tax Report.

Webinar Presentation: Cross Border M&A-Notice 2014-52


1717 K Street, NW Washington, DC  T:202.393.7600